Thursday, December 06, 2007

Charles Nenner on CNBC: 2008 to be a bad one.

Charles Nenner appearing on CNBC earlier today.

No video to link to yet, but a quick summary:

- His system is based on economic cycles, complex mathematical equations, and determinism, which is to say he believes that he has a system he believes can predict the trends and price points in various markets in advance. This sounds crazy, except he has been remarkably (frighteningly?) accurate in some of his predictions.

- Right now, he is calling for a year end rally, with more to go, roughly to mid-Dec. His price target on the Dow is around 14,300.

- In terms of 2008, he predicts a tough February and March, and a very volatile year overall, with 3 to 4 roughly 15% corrections. He believes 2008 will be a very difficult year to make money in.

- He believes we are right on the edge of a deflation scare.

Video is now available:

CNBC: Market Predictions.


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